mauve's playlist
Created by rameyonjun • 71 songs, 5 hrs
hello! im mauve ! i go by she/her and i'm an enfp, and also is 🇵🇭🇨🇳 eng + fil
BYF ! i am a multistan .. i make a ton of typos .. i spam content my favs .. randomly turns ia .. i sarcastically use slangs and copypastas
DFI ! anti any of my favs .. racist .. homophobic .. often dry w/o a reason .. can't take jokes .. doesn't tw nsfw .. solo stan or leaving out a memb in a grp u stan ..
✅ sebong, matcha, mutuals, etc etc !!
❎ toxic stans, bugs, fanwars, etc.
ults svt jun & the8 stayc seeun bts jin twice momo txt taehyun skz minho nctdream jisung & mark
﹒stanlist svt bts twice bp stayc nwjns skz txt enha loona gidle sserafim tws monstax ateez nctdream fromis
p-pop/band bini maloi & sheena ben&ben itchyworms silentsanc cupofjoe kamikazee parokyaniedgar decav
﹒others t.s. niki beabadobee laufey lany chappellroan arianagrande tvgirl lynlapid articmonkeys chaseatlantic eminem theweeknd oliviarodrigo joji micotoronto jorgerivera-herrans
others w2e attarashigako akb48 yim siwan epic: the musical telemachus alnst till
﹒vtubers nijien aster arcadia niyeko kenji
animes jjk megumi bsd ranpo haikyuu akaashi dandadan jiji onepiece bananafish sk8
NOTE !! please educate, correct & inform me if i did something wrong or something that made u uncomfy + if iam supporting a problematic person